Everything I Would Invest in Instead of a Nursery as a First-Time Mom - lesson’s learned 4 children later!

What I’d Invest in Instead of a Nursery..

So, when I was a first-time mom, I dreamed of a picture-perfect nursery. Then once my baby arrived, I realised they needed less stuff and more me! There are now four children in our family and I support Mums across the world and here’s what I’d choose instead!

1. Comfortable Feeding Space

A cozy armchair, a side table for snacks and a dim lamp made the perfect sanctuary for feeding and bonding.

2. Postpartum Care for YOU

Support your recovery with a postpartum doula, a cleaner 🙌, sitz baths, a heated blanket, and nourishing meals.

3. Sleep Solutions for Baby

A bedside co-sleeper or bassinet makes nighttime feeds easier and keeps baby close.

4. Lactation Support

The right tools (like nursing bras and a supportive pillow) make feeding smoother.

5. Babywearing Gear

A quality baby carrier keeps baby close while giving you freedom to move around.

6. Online Courses

Knowledge is power! Seriously.. the more you know the more prepared you will feel from conceiving, to pregnancy, birth and beyond.

7. Practical Baby Items

Focus on essentials: zipper onesies, muslin cloths and a portable nappy changing station.

8. A Strong Support System

Invest in meal delivery, a cleaner and build your network of support.

9. Memories Over Material Things

Capture the moments with photography sessions and keep a journal or baby book.

10. Savings for the Future

Start a small savings account for your child instead of spending on decor.

A Pinterest-worthy nursery is cute, but your baby needs you most of all. What would you prioritize as a new mom? Think less stuff, more help for you!

Here is a look at exactly what I done ahead of the birth of my 3rd baby ..

An independent birth class

A deep freezer full of postpartum meals prepared throughout pregnancy

A Baby carrier

Some organic cotton baby blankets

Made herbal tinctures and had supplements for postpartum support

Had cozy & loose clothes that fit my postpartum body

High calorie, nutrient-dense snacks at hand for breastfeeding

Purchased minerals to add to my water for proper hydration post-birth

A super king mattress and dressed it in organic linens for bedding since as a family we co-sleep

I hope this helps!!

Kitty x


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