Is my baby getting enough?
Between months 0-4 your baby should be gaining about 170grams per week which translates roughly as about 1 ounce per day.
However , There are other ways to gauge a baby's intake other than just observing a baby's weight. A baby who is getting enough milk will have plenty of wet and dirty nappies .
Day 1–1 bowel movement and 1 wet nappy
Day 2–3 bowel movements and 2 wet nappies
Day 3–3 bowel movements and 3 wet nappies
Day 4 3-4 bowel movements (changing to green/yellow) 6 wet nappies
Day 5 3-5 yellow bowel movements the size of a euro coin or more and 6 wet nappies A wet nappy is about the equivalent of 3 tablespoons of water poured into a dry nappy.
If you are worried about your baby's weight or your breastfeeding journey.
Contact your local IBCLC or check out
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