Empowered Birth (Live)!
Here’s what you’ll learn:
🌀 Navigating the Irish Maternity System
🌀 Birth Rights & Advocacy
🌀 Sports Psychology for Labour
🌀 Rewiring the Brain for Confidence
🌀 Hypnosis, Mindfulness & Pain Mastery
🌀 Active Labour Tips & Fetal Positioning
🌀 Comfort Measures – Natural & Medical
🌀 Creating Your Birth Plan
🌀 Breastfeeding & 4th Trimester Prep
💡 Designed to give you the tools, knowledge, and confidence to OWN your birth experience.

Weaning from breastfeeding Course - Zoom
Congratulations, no matter how long or short your breastfeeding journey. You are amazing! In this weaning from breastfeeding course, I will teach guide and support you in safely and gently moving on to the next phase in your relationship.

Comfort measures for birth Course - Zoom
This course will have you fully equipped for your empowering birth. By the end you'll have a full tool kit from massage techniques, breathing techniques and movements to help you and your baby navigate the process of birth from those early twinges right through until your baby is in your arms.

Preparing for breastfeeding Course - Zoom
While breastfeeding your baby is natural it is also a learnt skill. This class will teach you everything you need to know to help you feel educated and empowered in nourishing your baby.

Empowered Birth Course - Zoom
Empowered birth focuses on the mind-body connection during childbirth and encourages the birthing person to use relaxation, visualization, positive affirmations, breathing and self-hypnosis techniques in order to help facilitate the processes of birth no matter how it may unfold.

*NEW Course*
Are you ready for another baby but not yet ready to wean? Did you just find out you're pregnant and you're still breastfeeding? Were you told you that have to wean because you're pregnant? Are you worried your milk supply might dip during pregnancy? Should you be taking double the prenatal vitamins? Or maybe you're tandem feeding and are worried about your toddler "stealing" your baby's milk…?
If any of the above or similar applies to you, I am glad you’ve landed right here. This is the course for you! I am so excited to welcome and support you on your journey.
Kitty x

Empowered Birth Course - Zoom
Join me, Kitty, your Empowered Birth Expert for this all encompassing birth preparation course.
Empowered birth focuses on the mind-body connection during childbirth and encourages the birthing person to use relaxation, visualization, positive affirmations, breathing and self-hypnosis techniques in order to help facilitate the processes of birth no matter how it may unfold.